Counselling Service

Please note that we are not currently accepting referrals for our counselling service. Please check back in June to see availability.

Counselling at Copleston

Counselling is a process in which you explore thoughts and feelings about aspects of your life, including past, current or future concerns. The counsellor will listen carefully, without judging or telling you what to do. Counselling can help people to see things clearly, to accept things better or to make changes in their life. Having some time and space with a counsellor can help people to express difficult feelings and thoughts, to develop ways of coping better, live their life more fully and creatively. It is a process that requires personal commitment and the investment of time from both you and the counsellor.

The Service

We provide one-to-one face-to-face counselling and offer 16 sessions over a maximum of 20 weeks. Each one-to-one sessions is 50 minutes. We do not currently provide online sessions.

We run a low-cost service and charge a nominal fee for our sessions, dependent on income or earnings per annum. Our fees range from £3 to £40 for one-to-one sessions. We request that you make your session fees in one or two payments, if possible. However, if you are unable to, please speak to your counsellor about this. It does not mean that you will not receive counselling support.

Our counsellors are either qualified or in training. Our qualified counsellor is professionally trained with a recognised diploma in counselling and accredited with the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP). Our trainees are on a counselling training course.

Counsellors and trainee counsellors adhere to the BACP code of ethics and receive regular supervision from a qualified counselling supervisor. They are not medically qualified and do not prescribe medication.

Our counsellors are currently available for sessions on Wednesday afternoons, Thursday mornings and afternoons and Friday afternoons.


What is said during counselling is confidential and private. However, if things are said that indicate that you or someone else may be at risk or in danger then the counsellor may need to tell another team member what has been said.

Your counsellor will be supervised by a qualified counselling supervisor. Part of the supervision process is that clinical work is discussed. This means that your counsellor will discuss aspects of your care with their supervisor whilst maintaining confidentiality i.e. you remain anonymous during the discussion. If you are concerned about this please speak to your counsellor.


We accept self-referrals and referrals via other organisations with the client’s permission. Once a referral has been received, the client is contacted and booked an assessment with a qualified counsellor. After the assessment, the client will be allocated a counsellor, given a start date and time.

We ask that people wait for six months before re-referring themselves or others. 

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